Reflections on the way to the gallows by Kanno Sugako Aug. 14, 2021

from Audible Anarchism· ·

Her reflections can be read here "This affair should not be labelled a conspiracy by the anarchists. Rather it should be called a conspiracy concocted by the public prosecutors." Kanno Sugako was a prominent Japanese Anarchist arrested and condemned to death for plotting to assassinate the Emperor. During the trial the government launched a crackdown on Japan's growing Anarchist movement trying many for the same crime regardless of alibi's. While on death row she wrote these reflections on the situation, the movement and her own emotional state.

Her reflections can be read here "This affair should not be labelled a conspiracy by the anarchists. Rather it should be called a conspiracy concocted by the public prosecutors." Kanno Sugako was a prominent Japanese Anarchist arrested and condemned to death for plotting to assassinate the Emperor. During the trial the government launched a crackdown on Japan's growing Anarchist movement trying many for the same crime regardless of alibi's. While on death row she wrote these reflections on the situation, the movement and her own emotional state.