Advertise on

For just € 20,-- your podcast will be shown on the front page of for a week. Additionally it will be the first podcast in gPodder's list of example podcasts.

You can chose when your advertisement will be active, and the text that will be displayed for your podcast.

Front Page

Your podcast will be displayed on the front page of for both logged-in and anonymous users.

Example Podcasts

The gPodder client offers a list of example podcasts when started for the first time. This list is loaded from the web on demand. For the time of your advertisement, your podcast will be the first in the list.


Both the front page and the list of example podcasts are accessed by more than 1000 people daily, who are actively looking for interesting podcasts. We do, however, not guarantee a certain number of visitors during your advertisement period.

Start your Advertisement

Contact if you would like to advertise on or if you have any questions.