DruidCast - A Druid Podcast Episode 59 Feb. 20, 2012

from Druidcast - The Druid Podcast· ·

Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 59 Der Grune Man - Viatores: Donnerseele - Mootstone - Cephalodidge - http://cephalodidge.webs.com Day in the Life interview with Damh the Bard (www.paganmusic.co.uk) by Paul Newman (www.storyfolksinger.co.uk) Where Poetry Fails - Vanessa Cardui - http://www.vanessacardui.ca The Lady of Llyn y Fan Fach - Claire Hamilton - http://www.livingmyths.com Link to quiz prize - Stalking the Shadows - BJ Edwards - http://www.bjedwards.co.uk For further information on the Druid tradition - www.druidry.org DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - www.paganmusic.co.uk

Shownotes for DruidCast Episode 59

Der Grune Man - Viatores: Donnerseele -

Mootstone - Cephalodidge - http://cephalodidge.webs.com

Day in the Life interview with Damh the Bard (www.paganmusic.co.uk) by Paul Newman (www.storyfolksinger.co.uk)

Where Poetry Fails - Vanessa Cardui - http://www.vanessacardui.ca

The Lady of Llyn y Fan Fach - Claire Hamilton - http://www.livingmyths.com

Link to quiz prize - Stalking the Shadows - BJ Edwards - http://www.bjedwards.co.uk

For further information on the Druid tradition - www.druidry.org

DruidCast theme - Hills they are Hollow - Damh the Bard - www.paganmusic.co.uk