Indigenous Action Podcast Episode 14: Queering #MMIWG2ST May 5, 2022

from Indigenous Action· ·

In this #mmiwg2st show, host Bonn talks with indigequeers, Simona Bearcub (@bearcubstrong), Blue (@ceneeteeniieihii), and Demian Dinéyazhi' (@heterogeneoushomosexual) about queer erasure within the cis-heteronormative narratives around #MMIWG2ST and the co-optation of our movement by the non- profit industrial complex. Content warning: Sexual & interpersonal violence. [Transcripts below] Connect with & support: Bonn, Simona, Blue and Demian’s […]

In this #mmiwg2st show, host Bonn talks with indigequeers, Simona Bearcub (@bearcubstrong), Blue (@ceneeteeniieihii), and Demian Dinéyazhi' (@heterogeneoushomosexual) about queer erasure within the cis-heteronormative narratives around #MMIWG2ST and the co-optation of our movement by the non- profit industrial complex. Content warning: Sexual & interpersonal violence. [Transcripts below] Connect with & support: Bonn, Simona, Blue and Demian’s […]