Deforestation decline in the Amazon and other positive news Nov. 21, 2023

from Mongabay Newscast· ·

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has declined by 22% for the year ending July 31, 2023, according to data from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE). On this episode of the Mongabay Newscast, CEO and editor-in- chief Rhett Butler tells us what the data show and what Mongabay will be looking for in the future. Butler also details more exciting news, such as the 2023 Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication, given to Mongabay for its “outstanding track record” in communicating issues related to nature and biodiversity, and the launch of an all-new bilingual bureau in Africa. Related Reading: [**Deforestation …

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has declined by 22% for the year ending July 31, 2023, according to data from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE). On this episode of the Mongabay Newscast, CEO and editor-in- chief Rhett Butler tells us what the data show and what Mongabay will be looking for in the future.

Butler also details more exciting news, such as the 2023 Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication, given to Mongabay for its “outstanding track record” in communicating issues related to nature and biodiversity, and the launch of an all-new bilingual bureau in Africa.

Related Reading:

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon falls 22% in 2023

Mongabay wins prestigious 2023 Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication

Mongabay launches Africa news bureau

Meet the tech projects competing for a $10m prize to save rainforests

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Image Caption: Scarlet macaw in Brazil. Photo by Rhett Butler.