All Power To The Imagination #14 - Coasian Class Conflict with Cool Cat Nathan Goodman Nov. 20, 2021

from Non Serviam Media· ·

Frank brings on econ-smartypants Nathan Goodman to talk about the latent class theory present in Public Choice Theory and how it explains not just capitalism and why leftists have failed to overcome capitalism but also why leftists have failed to realize how to overcome and understand capitalism. Mentioned: Public Choice Theory Introduction to the Three Volumes of Marx's Capital, Michael Heinrich Politics Without Romance, James Buchanan Political Capitalism (book), Randall Holcomb Triumph of Conservtism, Gabriel Kolko The Problem of Social Costs, Ronald Coase Nature of the Firm, Ronald Coase Seeing Like a State, James C. Scott Rent Extract and Rent …

Frank brings on econ-smartypants Nathan Goodman to talk about the latent class theory present in Public Choice Theory and how it explains not just capitalism and why leftists have failed to overcome capitalism but also why leftists have failed to realize how to overcome and understand capitalism. Mentioned: Public Choice Theory Introduction to the Three Volumes of Marx's Capital, Michael Heinrich Politics Without Romance, James Buchanan Political Capitalism (book), Randall Holcomb Triumph of Conservtism, Gabriel Kolko The Problem of Social Costs, Ronald Coase Nature of the Firm, Ronald Coase Seeing Like a State, James C. Scott Rent Extract and Rent Creation in the Economic Theory of Regulation, Fred McChesney The God that Failed, Richard Crossman ed Calculation and Coordination, Peter Boettke Soviet Venality: A Rent Seeking Model of the Soviet State, Peter Boettke The Road to Crony Capitalism, Michael Munger and Mario Villarreal-Diaz;=y The Rise and Decline of Nations, Mancur Olson Collective Action and the Civil Rights Movement, Dennis Chong Freedom in Contention: Social Movements and Liberal Political Economy, Mikalya Novak Evasive entrepreneurship, Niklas Elert and Mangus Henrekson Approaching the Singularity Behind the Veil of incomputability: on Algorithmic governance, the economist-as-expert, and the piecemeal circumnavigation of the Administrative State, Abigail Devereaux Transitional Gains Trap, Gordon Tullock Calculus of Consent, James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock Democracy in Chains, Nancy MacLean Effective Altruism Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, David Graeber graeber-fragments-of-an-anarchist-anthropology Political Capitalism (paper), Randall Holcomb journal/2015/2/cj-v35n1-2.pdf The Coase Theorem, Applied to Markets and Government, Randall Holcomb