Non Serviam Podcast #18 - Individualist Anarchism, Labor Freedom, and Healthcare with Joe Peacott June 6, 2020

from Non Serviam Media· ·

Joe Peacott is an individualist anarchist writer based in the United States. He’s a well-respected thinker and theorist in radical spaces, who seems to be criminally underground, even within the underground. He’s a leading figure at BAD Press, a publishing outlet for individualist anarchist philosophy, and has a noted involvement in anti-war activism. His economic and sociological work has been published by the Libertarian Alliance and referenced favorably by leading anarchist scholars such as Kevin A. Carson. He opposes both capitalism and state socialism and is a proponent of both market exchange and a society where people are able to …

Joe Peacott is an individualist anarchist writer based in the United States. He’s a well-respected thinker and theorist in radical spaces, who seems to be criminally underground, even within the underground. He’s a leading figure at BAD Press, a publishing outlet for individualist anarchist philosophy, and has a noted involvement in anti-war activism. His economic and sociological work has been published by the Libertarian Alliance and referenced favorably by leading anarchist scholars such as Kevin A. Carson. He opposes both capitalism and state socialism and is a proponent of both market exchange and a society where people are able to realize the full value of their labor. Joe has written extensively on economics but has also explored esoterica surrounding sex, drugs, and other related topics. In this installment, we discuss individualism, labor freedom, anti-capitalist markets, healthcare, american libertarianism, historical anarchist spaces, and more. Support the show: Subscribe to out youbube: