Non Serviam Podcast #19 - A World Beyond Cops with Nathan Goodman July 4, 2020

from Non Serviam Media· ·

Nathan Goodman is a PhD student in the Department of Economics at George Mason University. He earned his Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the University of Utah. Nathan has worked as a research fellow for the Center for a Stateless Society, a program intern for the Law & Economics Center at George Mason University, and a summer fellow at the Fully Informed Jury Association. His research interests include defense and peace economics, Austrian economics, public choice economics, and self-governance. What would a world beyond cops look like? What is a healthy way of organizing defense in any given society? …

Nathan Goodman is a PhD student in the Department of Economics at George Mason University. He earned his Bachelor of Science in mathematics from the University of Utah. Nathan has worked as a research fellow for the Center for a Stateless Society, a program intern for the Law & Economics Center at George Mason University, and a summer fellow at the Fully Informed Jury Association. His research interests include defense and peace economics, Austrian economics, public choice economics, and self-governance. What would a world beyond cops look like? What is a healthy way of organizing defense in any given society? And how might theory or and actually existing examples of communities without cops, inform our hopes of living in a world without coercive authority? Nathan Goodman has spent some time researching and writing on related topics, and in this episode, we discuss these issues and more in detail. More from Nathan and the organizations he mentions:;=en