William Gillis on Anarchy, Ethics, and Everything In Between - Anarchy In Oklahoma 2016 Jan. 29, 2022

from Non Serviam Media· ·

Join us for a quick conversation with William Gillis. A few of the topics covered are the experience of being second generation, anarcho-transhumanism, youth liberation, the state and capitalism, freed markets, and the utilitarian case for maximizing choice. William Gillis is a second generation anarchist, long time activist, the Coordinating Director for the Center For a Stateless Society, and current Guest Editor for Anarcho-Transhumanism: A Journal Of Radical Possibility and Striving. You can find William on twitter @rechelon And at his blog at https://humaniterations.net/ Guest Editor and Writer at http://anarchotranshuman.org/ Coordinating Director and Writer at https://c4ss.org/content/author/william-gillis William recommends reading: Organization …

Join us for a quick conversation with William Gillis. A few of the topics covered are the experience of being second generation, anarcho-transhumanism, youth liberation, the state and capitalism, freed markets, and the utilitarian case for maximizing choice. William Gillis is a second generation anarchist, long time activist, the Coordinating Director for the Center For a Stateless Society, and current Guest Editor for Anarcho-Transhumanism: A Journal Of Radical Possibility and Striving. You can find William on twitter @rechelon And at his blog at https://humaniterations.net/ Guest Editor and Writer at http://anarchotranshuman.org/ Coordinating Director and Writer at https://c4ss.org/content/author/william-gillis William recommends reading: Organization Theory PDF: https://c4ss.org/wp- content/uploads/2009/10/otkc11.pdf Get the real deal: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005H68ZKY/ref=dp-kindle- redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr;=1 The Desktop Regulatory State https://desktopregulatorystate.wordpress.com/