Anews Podcast 235 – 11.5.21 Nov. 8, 2021

from The Anarchist News Podcast· ·

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on TOTW: New Laws in the New Normal, with Max Res and Octox Editorial by anonymous, read by chisel Sound editing by Octox. Music:Samples for transitions and outro:The Outer Limits O.B.I.T.The Twilight Zone Obsolete“Makinón” by Karol … Continue reading "Anews Podcast 235 – 11.5.21"

Welcome to the anews podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week on TOTW: New Laws in the New Normal, with Max Res and Octox Editorial by anonymous, read by chisel Sound editing by Octox. Music:Samples for transitions and outro:The Outer Limits O.B.I.T.The Twilight Zone Obsolete“Makinón” by Karol … Continue reading "Anews Podcast 235 – 11.5.21"