Anews Podcast 247 – 1.28.22 Jan. 31, 2022

from The Anarchist News Podcast· ·

Welcome to this week’s podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and comments from the previous week on No "What's New" segment this week A reading from theanarchistlibrary: "What the Prison- Abolition Movement Wants" by Kim Kelly (read by Octox) TOTW: Imagine abolition, with Ariel, Tori, and Post Sound edited by Octox Music: 1. … Continue reading "Anews Podcast 247 – 1.28.22"

Welcome to this week’s podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and comments from the previous week on No "What's New" segment this week A reading from theanarchistlibrary: "What the Prison- Abolition Movement Wants" by Kim Kelly (read by Octox) TOTW: Imagine abolition, with Ariel, Tori, and Post Sound edited by Octox Music: 1. … Continue reading "Anews Podcast 247 – 1.28.22"