ANews Podcast 300 – 2.3.23 Feb. 6, 2023

from The Anarchist News Podcast· ·

Notes: What’s New Written by chisel, read by chisel & thalassophobia* (*The fear of the ocean. No one in this room is afraid of fat asses. We are pro fat asses.) A reading from theanarchistlibrary:David Ender, Jack Hauser, Christian Loidl – Interview with Hakim BeyAragorn! – Laughing at the futility of it allAdam Krause – … Continue reading "ANews Podcast 300 – 2.3.23"

Notes: What’s New Written by chisel, read by chisel & thalassophobia* (*The fear of the ocean. No one in this room is afraid of fat asses. We are pro fat asses.) A reading from theanarchistlibrary:David Ender, Jack Hauser, Christian Loidl – Interview with Hakim BeyAragorn! – Laughing at the futility of it allAdam Krause – … Continue reading "ANews Podcast 300 – 2.3.23"