Episode 144: Forbes, Psychedelics, and Your Neighbors, with David Carpenter July 14, 2021

from The Entheogenic Evolution· ·

My guest is Forbes Magazine writer and author, David Carpenter. We discuss how he got into writing about the fast-changing world of psychedelics, cannabis, MDMA, 5-MeO-DMT, and his ongoing book series about psychedelics that starts with "Your Neighbors are Doing Psychedelics: MDMA" - you can find David's work online at Forbes.com and at www.yourneighborsaredoingpsychedelics.com

My guest is Forbes Magazine writer and author, David Carpenter. We discuss how he got into writing about the fast-changing world of psychedelics, cannabis, MDMA, 5-MeO-DMT, and his ongoing book series about psychedelics that starts with "Your Neighbors are Doing Psychedelics: MDMA" - you can find David's work online at Forbes.com and at www.yourneighborsaredoingpsychedelics.com