Episode 181: Entheon Biomedical with Timothy Ko April 18, 2022

from The Entheogenic Evolution· ·

This week I'm joined by Timothy Ko, CEO of Entheon Biomedical, a Vancouver- based company looking to develop addiction treatment with DMT. Timothy shares his own personal story of addiction in his family, barriers to dealing with addiction in society as well as in Asian cultures where shame and family honor can get in the way, his motives for creating addiction treatments, and how Entheon is developing research studies to work with DMT. You can learn more at www.entheonbiomedical.com

This week I'm joined by Timothy Ko, CEO of Entheon Biomedical, a Vancouver- based company looking to develop addiction treatment with DMT. Timothy shares his own personal story of addiction in his family, barriers to dealing with addiction in society as well as in Asian cultures where shame and family honor can get in the way, his motives for creating addiction treatments, and how Entheon is developing research studies to work with DMT. You can learn more at www.entheonbiomedical.com