Episode 213: The Church of Psilomethoxin with Greg and Jenna Lake Nov. 28, 2022

from The Entheogenic Evolution· ·

Two of the founders (and newly married couple) of the Church of Psilomethoxin, Greg and Jenna Lake, are my guests this week. We discuss the formation of the new entheogenic church whose sacrament is an edible form of 5-MeO-DMT, "psilomethoxin," which is produced by introducing 5-MeO-DMT to psilocybin mushrooms, which then go on to produce 4-OH-5-MeO-DMT rather than psilocybin and psilocyn for a true merging of science and religion. You can learn more at www.psilomethoxin.com

Two of the founders (and newly married couple) of the Church of Psilomethoxin, Greg and Jenna Lake, are my guests this week. We discuss the formation of the new entheogenic church whose sacrament is an edible form of 5-MeO-DMT, "psilomethoxin," which is produced by introducing 5-MeO-DMT to psilocybin mushrooms, which then go on to produce 4-OH-5-MeO-DMT rather than psilocybin and psilocyn for a true merging of science and religion. You can learn more at www.psilomethoxin.com