Episode 234: Psilomethoxin, Usona, The Church, and EntheoGenesis April 24, 2023

from The Entheogenic Evolution· ·

This week's episode is my reading of an essay I've been working on since returning from The Church of Psilomethoxin's event, EntheoGenesis, last weekend in Austin, Texas. While no definitive answers are provided, I explore the topic of Usona's "study" that psilomethoxin is "fiction" and "placebo effect" by taking a well-rounded look at claims made, the context of the church and their practices, and as a participant-observer in a truly wonderful and nurturing event.

This week's episode is my reading of an essay I've been working on since returning from The Church of Psilomethoxin's event, EntheoGenesis, last weekend in Austin, Texas. While no definitive answers are provided, I explore the topic of Usona's "study" that psilomethoxin is "fiction" and "placebo effect" by taking a well-rounded look at claims made, the context of the church and their practices, and as a participant-observer in a truly wonderful and nurturing event.