Episode 253: Tom Lane on Mushrooms, Time People, and the Yuta Tnoho Codex Sept. 4, 2023

from The Entheogenic Evolution· ·

This week I welcome Tom Lane back onto the podcast to continue and expand on our conversation about the Yuta Tnoho Codex from a few years ago. Tom returns with some new interpretations and ideas on how psilocybin mushroom rituals and religion worked in Mesoamerica and was encoded in the codex. I've also created a video for YouTube with the images we are discussing in this episode. You can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPXAb13n5oU

This week I welcome Tom Lane back onto the podcast to continue and expand on our conversation about the Yuta Tnoho Codex from a few years ago. Tom returns with some new interpretations and ideas on how psilocybin mushroom rituals and religion worked in Mesoamerica and was encoded in the codex. I've also created a video for YouTube with the images we are discussing in this episode. You can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPXAb13n5oU