Episode 259: The Unfolding Bufo Journey of Sarah Knapik, Part I Oct. 16, 2023

from The Entheogenic Evolution· ·

This week my guest is Sarah Knapik and she's here to share her own healing and transformation journey and her work as a Bufo facilitator. Due to the lengthy nature of our conversation, which was then followed up by an additional conversation/interview, I've split it into two parts, with part II coming out next week. Sarah is an interesting case in that she worked as a facilitator, was intending to found an entheogenic church, and then walked away from it all . . . only to come back a couple of months later. These two podcast episodes will share all …

This week my guest is Sarah Knapik and she's here to share her own healing and transformation journey and her work as a Bufo facilitator. Due to the lengthy nature of our conversation, which was then followed up by an additional conversation/interview, I've split it into two parts, with part II coming out next week. Sarah is an interesting case in that she worked as a facilitator, was intending to found an entheogenic church, and then walked away from it all . . . only to come back a couple of months later. These two podcast episodes will share all the details, so enjoy!