#14: Squat the World! Dec. 1, 2013

from The Ex-Worker· ·

In this episode, Alanis and Clara allegedly break into an abandoned building to begin a conversation about squatting--and why it's so important to anarchists. This episode includes two interviews--one with participants in a squatted social center in the United States, and one from an anti- infrastructure land occupation project in France. We'll also hear the soothing sounds of listener feedback, regarding our last episode and some further clarifications about technology, a review of Hannah Dobbz's "Nine-tenths of the Law: Property and resistance in the United States," news, upcoming events, and prisoner birthdays.

In this episode, Alanis and Clara allegedly break into an abandoned building to begin a conversation about squatting--and why it's so important to anarchists. This episode includes two interviews--one with participants in a squatted social center in the United States, and one from an anti- infrastructure land occupation project in France. We'll also hear the soothing sounds of listener feedback, regarding our last episode and some further clarifications about technology, a review of Hannah Dobbz's "Nine-tenths of the Law: Property and resistance in the United States," news, upcoming events, and prisoner birthdays.