The Hotwire #25: Kentucky & Oklahoma teachers strike—anniversary of MLK’s death—report on Gaza April 4, 2018

from The Ex-Worker· ·

As we go to press, anti-police protests are ongoing over the police killing of Stephon Clark, students at Howard University in DC are still occupying the recently re-named Kwame Ture Student Center, and teachers in Kentucky and Oklahoma are on strike. This week we interview Uri Gordon, an anarchist from Israel, about the deadly repression in Gaza. We also reflect on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plus announcements for upcoming bookfairs, gatherings, and protest mobilizations. {April 4, 2018} -------SHOW NOTES------ * …

As we go to press, anti-police protests are ongoing over the police killing of Stephon Clark, students at Howard University in DC are still occupying the recently re-named Kwame Ture Student Center, and teachers in Kentucky and Oklahoma are on strike. This week we interview Uri Gordon, an anarchist from Israel, about the deadly repression in Gaza. We also reflect on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plus announcements for upcoming bookfairs, gatherings, and protest mobilizations. {April 4, 2018}

-------SHOW NOTES------

Romaine ‘Chip’ Fitzgerald #B–27527 California State Prison - LAC Post Office Box 4490 B–4–150 Lancaster, California 93539 Address envelope to Romaine Fitzgerald, address card to Chip {Birthday: April 11}

1) CALL New York State Governor Cuomo’s Office NOW: 518–474–8390 2) EMAIL New York State Governor Cuomo’s Office 3) TWEET at Governor Cuomo: use the following sample tweet: “@NYGovCuomo: stand by the Parole Board’s lawful & just decision to release Herman Bell. At 70 years old and after more than 40 years of incarceration, his release is overdue. #BringHermanHome.”

Use this script for phone calls and emails: “Governor Cuomo, my name is __and I am a resident of [New York State/other state/other country]. I support the Parole Board’s decision to release Herman Bell and urge you and the Board to stand by the decision. I also support the recent appointment of new Parole Board Commissioners, and the direction of the new parole regulations, which base release decisions more on who a person is today than on the nature of their crime committed years ago. Returning Herman to his friends and family will help heal the many harms caused by crime and decades of incarceration. The Board’s decision was just, merciful and lawful, and it will benefit our communities and New York State as a whole.”

  • Robert Seth Hayes, one of the longest-held political prisoners in the U.S., who was active in the Black Panther Party and, later on, formed the Black Liberation Army, is in the infirmary and is need of support. The Jericho Movement calls on people to call the superintendent at Sullivan Correctional Facility and demand that Robert Seth Hayes be taken immediately to the Albany Medical Center. Superintendent Keyser’s number is 845–434–2080.