The Hotwire #28: Anti-government revolt in Nicaragua—more treesits in WV—Bakunin beats Satanism April 25, 2018

from The Ex-Worker· ·

This Hotwire we bring you an interview with an anarchist in Managua about the past few weeks of anti-government revolt in Nicaragua. We also report on the arrests of anti- fascists in Georgia, a school bus drivers’ strike also in Georgia, a hunger strike in San Diego’s jails, and community resistance to ICE raids in North Carolina. Next week we’ll bring you our regular episode a day late, but look out for a May Day special we’re releasing to tide you over—and don’t forget to e-mail us your May Day action …

This Hotwire we bring you an interview with an anarchist in Managua about the past few weeks of anti-government revolt in Nicaragua. We also report on the arrests of anti- fascists in Georgia, a school bus drivers’ strike also in Georgia, a hunger strike in San Diego’s jails, and community resistance to ICE raids in North Carolina. Next week we’ll bring you our regular episode a day late, but look out for a May Day special we’re releasing to tide you over—and don’t forget to e-mail us your May Day action reports at! {April 25, 2018}

-------SHOW NOTES------

Peter Hopperton Hamilton-Wentworth Detention Centre 165 Barton St East Hamilton ON L8L 2W6

  • Phone zaps:
    • Call the warden of Central Ohio Correctional Facility at 330–743–0700 and use this script: “Hello, my name is . I’m calling to demand you reverse Friday’s policy changes that imposed new restrictions on prisoners impacted by the Lucasville uprising. None of these prisoners violated any rules and there’s no justification for rolling back important policies that help them survive the 25 years of solitary confinement the ODRC has cruelly subjected them to.”
    • Support the 200+ hunger strikers in Santa Clara County Jails by calling the Sheriff Administration at 408–808–4900 or the Board of Supervisors at 408–299–5001 and demanding that they enter into negotiations with the hunger strikers.
    • Call DeKalb County, GA School Superintendent Stephen Green at 678–676–1200 to demand immediate reinstatement, with no pay lost, of all fired drivers. You can use this script: “Hello, my name is _. I would like to let you know that I support the school bus drivers. I think it is shameful that the immediate reaction in response to the sick- out was to fire drivers, rather than to negotiate with them. The drivers have a right to organize without fear of retaliation, including by withdrawing their labor. I support their efforts to improve their jobs, and demand that the district immediately reinstate all fired drivers, with no pay lost and no other kind of discipline. None of the drivers who participated should be retaliated against. I also demand that the district immediately recognize the drivers committee and begin negotiating with them. Will you agree to rehire the drivers and recognize their committee?”
    • Call the City of Olympia prosecutor’s office at 360–753–8449 to demand they drop the charges against the four May Day defendants.
  • J20 support resources: