The Hotwire #42: Migrant Caravan—Antifascist Assembly in Carbondale—NOLA Proud Boy Alert Hotline Oct. 25, 2018

from The Ex-Worker· ·

We have a flurry of headlines from around the globe, with the migrant caravan from Honduras breaking through the Mexico-Guatemala border, indigenous comrades and their allies building prayer lodges in the path of the line 3 pipeline, London antifascists successfully blocking an anti- Muslim march, anarchists rioting in Barcelona after being evicted from their squat, and accounts of Chilean police attacking student protestors. Water protectors have been hard at work opposing the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and Panama City landlords have begun evicting devastated residents from their homes. You’ll hear …

We have a flurry of headlines from around the globe, with the migrant caravan from Honduras breaking through the Mexico-Guatemala border, indigenous comrades and their allies building prayer lodges in the path of the line 3 pipeline, London antifascists successfully blocking an anti- Muslim march, anarchists rioting in Barcelona after being evicted from their squat, and accounts of Chilean police attacking student protestors. Water protectors have been hard at work opposing the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and Panama City landlords have begun evicting devastated residents from their homes. You’ll hear from Carbondale anarchists mobilizing against Trump and right-wing reaction, and a hotline created by New Orleans antifascists to document Proud Boy activity—plus much more! Send us news, events, or ideas on how our show can better serve anarchist activity in your town by emailing us at {October 24, 2018}

-------SHOW NOTES------

Edward Goodman Africa. #AM4974 SCI Mahanoy Post Office Box 33028 St Petersburg, Florida 33733 {Birthday: October 31}

  • Sales are OPEN for the 2019 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners calendar! The theme of next year’s calendar is Health/Care, and it features art and writing from current and former political prisoners like David Gilbert, Mike and Chuck Africa, and Laura Whitehorn. If you buy 10 or more, be sure to use the discount code “BULK” to get 10 or more calendars for $10 each—you can then sell the calendars to fundraise for your own organizing.
  • We have a Twitter! Follow @HotwireWeekly and send us news that we should include in the show.