Rojava Again Under Threat of Turkish Invasion June 19, 2022

from The Final Straw Radio· ·

Rojava Again Under Threat of Turkish Invasion [00:10:35 - 01:45:30] Emre, Rimac, Xero and Anya, members of the Emergency Committee for Rojava join us on the show this week to talk about the escalation of violence and threats of invasion by Turkey into northeast Syria, updates from the region and their thoughts on how people in the West can help folks living under the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria. You can learn more about their work at DefendRojava.Org and find related interviews covering some of the subject matter discussed and past events on our website by searching for …

Rojava Again Under Threat of Turkish Invasion

[00:10:35 - 01:45:30]

Emre, Rimac, Xero and Anya, members of the Emergency Committee for Rojava join us on the show this week to talk about the escalation of violence and threats of invasion by Turkey into northeast Syria, updates from the region and their thoughts on how people in the West can help folks living under the Autonomous Administration of North East Syria. You can learn more about their work at DefendRojava.Org and find related interviews covering some of the subject matter discussed and past events on our website by searching for Rojava.

  • Transcript
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  • Zine (Imposed PDF) – pending

You can keep find Xero's upcoming podcast, a member of the Channel Zero Network, at and you can find the latest of Anya's co-authored pieces at The Nation (though it's paywalled).

Greg Curry Hunger Strike

[00:01:07 - 00:10:35]