Stop Cop City Movement RICO Indictments (with Matt Scott of ACPC) Sept. 17, 2023

from The Final Straw Radio· ·

Stop Cop City Movement RICO Indictments (with Matt Scott of ACPC) This week, we’re featuring an interview with Matt Scott of the Atlanta Community Press Collective update us on the movement to Stop Cop City in light of the recent indictment of 61 people on Racketeering charges by the state of Georgia at the end of August and the legal shenanigans of the city to block a public referendum on the police training center that would destroy the south Atlanta forest and river. We'll also hear about recent non-violent civil disobediences and the call for a [mass action on …

Stop Cop City Movement RICO Indictments (with Matt Scott of ACPC)

This week, we’re featuring an interview with Matt Scott of the Atlanta Community Press Collective update us on the movement to Stop Cop City in light of the recent indictment of 61 people on Racketeering charges by the state of Georgia at the end of August and the legal shenanigans of the city to block a public referendum on the police training center that would destroy the south Atlanta forest and river. We'll also hear about recent non-violent civil disobediences and the call for a mass action on November 13th, 2023 (with a multi- city info-tour in the buildup).

  • Transcript
  • PDF (Unimposed) – pending
  • Zine (Imposed PDF) – pending

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Then, you’ll hear a segment by anarchist prisoner, Sean Swain on alien abductions.

Belarusian and Ukrainian Anarchist Perspectives

We released a recording of a panel from St-Imier, Switzerland, this July where Belarusian and Ukrainian anarchists talked about their experiences in the last few years since the uprising against Lukashenko and the escalation in the Russian invasion. You can check it out at our website or in our podcast stream:

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Featured Track:

  • They Want Efx (instrumental) by Das efx