Episode 74 - THE WILD HUNT AND THE WITCHES May 1, 2020

from The Folklore Podcast· ·

As we pass Walpurgis Night, the Folklore Podcast releases from its archives a public lecture given in 2017 by the eminent and popular historian Ronald Hutton. Written just before the publication of his book, 'The Witch', in this talk Ronald picks apart the mythology of the Wild Hunt and argues that its origins come from a melding of various folk tales, rather than the traditional shamanistic pagan roots often attributed. The question and answer session from this talk is available on our Patreon page.

As we pass Walpurgis Night, the Folklore Podcast releases from its archives a public lecture given in 2017 by the eminent and popular historian Ronald Hutton. Written just before the publication of his book, 'The Witch', in this talk Ronald picks apart the mythology of the Wild Hunt and argues that its origins come from a melding of various folk tales, rather than the traditional shamanistic pagan roots often attributed.

The question and answer session from this talk is available on our Patreon page.