31 - MSDN #1 - Introducing the Medical Self-Defense Network Aug. 23, 2023

from The Frontline Herbalism Podcast· ·

Welcome to series two! This episode is an interview with Kolya (he/him) from the Medical Self-Defense Network (MSDN). We explore what the Medical Self- Defense Network is, how it started and some of the political motivations behind the network. We discuss some of the challenges and how people can get involved with MSDN. Links & resources from this episode * MSDN website - https://msdnetwork.org/ * MSDN Twitter - @msdnetwork - https://twitter.com/msd_network _Find them all at solidarityapothecary.org/podcast/ Support the show Music from Sole & DJ Pain – Battle of Humans | Plant illustrations by @amani_writes | In solidarity, please subscribe, …

Welcome to series two! This episode is an interview with Kolya (he/him) from the Medical Self-Defense Network (MSDN). We explore what the Medical Self- Defense Network is, how it started and some of the political motivations behind the network. We discuss some of the challenges and how people can get involved with MSDN.

Links & resources from this episode

Find them all at solidarityapothecary.org/podcast/

Support the show

Music from Sole & DJ Pain – Battle of Humans | Plant illustrations by @amani_writes | In solidarity, please subscribe, rate & review this podcast wherever you listen.