32 - MSDN #2 – What is Medical Self-Defense? Aug. 23, 2023

from The Frontline Herbalism Podcast· ·

This episode is an interview with Kolya (he/him) from the Medical Self-Defense Network (MSDN). We explore what is medical self-defense, taking a deep dive into some of the political and practical principles. We talk about the complexities of professionalisation, the differences between grassroots and state healthcare projects and the relationship between them, building power in a horizontal way and many more things! Kolya defines self-defense as structures that make systems of oppression obsolete. Links & resources from this episode * MSDN website – https://msdnetwork.org/ * MSDN Twitter – @msdnetwork – https://twitter.com/msd_network _Find them all at solidarityapothecary.org/podcast/ Support the show

This episode is an interview with Kolya (he/him) from the Medical Self-Defense Network (MSDN). We explore what is medical self-defense, taking a deep dive into some of the political and practical principles. We talk about the complexities of professionalisation, the differences between grassroots and state healthcare projects and the relationship between them, building power in a horizontal way and many more things! Kolya defines self-defense as structures that make systems of oppression obsolete.

Links & resources from this episode

Find them all at solidarityapothecary.org/podcast/

Support the show

Music from Sole & DJ Pain – Battle of Humans | Plant illustrations by @amani_writes | In solidarity, please subscribe, rate & review this podcast wherever you listen.