Assata Shakur book club discussion Feb. 10, 2021

from The Green Flame· ·

In this episode of the Green Flame we host a group discussion on Black Revolutionary Assata Shakur’s 1987 Autobiography. We discuss amongst other things the relevance of her story and political awakening and the lessons to be learned for revolutionary movements today. Thank you to the Freedom Archives ( for their amazing work that allowed us to include Assata's voice and the Black Panther kids chant in this episode.

In this episode of the Green Flame we host a group discussion on Black Revolutionary Assata Shakur’s 1987 Autobiography. We discuss amongst other things the relevance of her story and political awakening and the lessons to be learned for revolutionary movements today. Thank you to the Freedom Archives ( for their amazing work that allowed us to include Assata's voice and the Black Panther kids chant in this episode.