The Fairy Creek Blockade and "Eden's Last Chance" with Joshua Wright Aug. 11, 2023

from The Green Flame· ·

Joshua Wright talks about his film Eden's Last Chance that was released in April of 2023. "For the nonhuman world, the apocalypse has already arrived. Don’t be a bystander to the death of the living world." Go to or watch it on Prime Video, Vimeo, Apple TV, Vudu, and Hoopla. The Fairy Creek Blockade has been established again: "WE ARE BACK (We need YOU to JOIN US) - July 31, 2023, Pacheedaht Territory: A group of Forest Defenders have set up a camp to prevent the logging of old growth forests on Ed are inburgh Mountain near Port Renfrew …

Joshua Wright talks about his film Eden's Last Chance that was released in April of 2023. "For the nonhuman world, the apocalypse has already arrived. Don’t be a bystander to the death of the living world." Go to or watch it on Prime Video, Vimeo, Apple TV, Vudu, and Hoopla.

The Fairy Creek Blockade has been established again:

"WE ARE BACK (We need YOU to JOIN US) - July 31, 2023, Pacheedaht Territory: A group of Forest Defenders have set up a camp to prevent the logging of old growth forests on Ed are inburgh Mountain near Port Renfrew BC. They are using a massive effigy of a screech owl, sculpted out of recovered wood to block the road at a bridge over the Gordon River, and hope to prevent logging in the largest section of old growth remaining in the watershed, which is home to the threatened owl. The camp was set up on Saturday, July 30 and prevents access to cut blocks 7165 and 7163 above the famous Eden Grove on Edinburgh Mountain were logging was active as early as last week.

Elder Bill Jones of the Pacheedaht Nation has called for the protection of all of the old growth on his territory, and supports this latest action. More info at"

Additional news: this year’s DGR Conference is coming up later this month, and will include three days of training, workshops, group discussions, strategizing, and community. DGR Guardians, Cadre, and family (including children) are all welcome. Allies and friends may be approved to attend as well on a case-by-case basis. If you fall into one of those categories and want to attend, let us know. Cost is a sliding scale, from $25—$250. And if you want to donate to support our conference, you can donate here. Thank you!