Check Your Boobs: it's Breast Cancer Awareness month! (Mini-episode) Oct. 20, 2021

from The Social Breakdown· ·

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, the time when everything turns pink! We here at The Social Breakdown wanted to remind everyone with breasts (pssst-- we ALL have ‘em!) to do all the needed check ups: self-exams, ultrasounds, and mammograms! Our team has been especially hit hard by breast cancer. So, for us and for you, please get yourself checked out and remind your loved ones to do so, too!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, the time when everything turns pink! We here at The Social Breakdown wanted to remind everyone with breasts (pssst-- we ALL have ‘em!) to do all the needed check ups: self-exams, ultrasounds, and mammograms! Our team has been especially hit hard by breast cancer. So, for us and for you, please get yourself checked out and remind your loved ones to do so, too!