SOC414 - "I just see blue': What is art? (Guest episode) Feb. 17, 2021

from The Social Breakdown· ·

What is art? What is the value of fine art? In this week's episode, Anina Englehardt joins us to explore how sociology understands the world of contemporary fine art, from its hierarchical and exclusive nature to the meaning-making process of art. When judging and valuing art, what is more important - the intention of the artist, the story behind the art, or the whimsical, and sometimes random and irrelevant, interpretations of the everyday audience? We tour the world of fine art, its view of digital art, political art, and much more!

What is art? What is the value of fine art? In this week's episode, Anina Englehardt joins us to explore how sociology understands the world of contemporary fine art, from its hierarchical and exclusive nature to the meaning-making process of art. When judging and valuing art, what is more important - the intention of the artist, the story behind the art, or the whimsical, and sometimes random and irrelevant, interpretations of the everyday audience? We tour the world of fine art, its view of digital art, political art, and much more!