Ritualised Nov. 21, 2022

from Adventures in Nutopia· ·

We delve into the nature of rituals, why they’re important and how to create our own meaningful ones. With chief druid of Anglesey Kristoffer Hughes we’ll learn about the power of death rituals and the pagan eightfold wheel of the year; we’ll experience the May Day ritual of Jack in the Green in Hastings, spend a night with musician Sam Lee singing with nightingales and end with a discussion of the film with the most chilling ritualistic finale ever: The Wicker Man. https://druidry.org https://www.drbramwell.com/ https://www.thecockpit.org.uk/journeytonutopia https://www.hawkwoodcollege.co.uk/ https://www.angleseydruidorder.co.uk/kristoffer https://samleesong.co.uk/ https://hastingstraditionaljackinthegreen.co.uk/

We delve into the nature of rituals, why they’re important and how to create our own meaningful ones. With chief druid of Anglesey Kristoffer Hughes we’ll learn about the power of death rituals and the pagan eightfold wheel of the year; we’ll experience the May Day ritual of Jack in the Green in Hastings, spend a night with musician Sam Lee singing with nightingales and end with a discussion of the film with the most chilling ritualistic finale ever: The Wicker Man.






