Adventures in Nutopia

by David Bramwell · · ·

Welcome to Nutopia, a documentary-style series exploring radical ideas, new myths and social movements for a positive future shaped by community, re- enchantment, sustainability, ecology, creativity, magic and compassion. Don’t worry about poe-faced beard-stroking, there’s plenty of mischief, weirdness and fun to be had. Written and presented by Sony award-winning broadcaster David Bramwell. With generous support from the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids and Hawkwood College.

In S2E1 we met Rogan Taylor, author of The Death and Resurrection Show a book which traces a path from popular entertainment to the darkened yurts of our nomadic ancestors. After writing this book Rogan went on to pioneer the world’s first post-graduate ‘football’ degree and write many books on the subject. During our conversation he talked about football in relation to myth, ritual, suffering and community. It’s a unique and fascinating perspective on the sport that will stay with you.



Older Episodes

Are our listening habits changing? What effects can sounds like drones and sine tones have on us physically and emotionally? Can we imagine a future in which we might receive audio prescriptions for wellbeing? Why does music played badly make us...
The Poetry of the Night Oct. 13, 2023
Our ancestors invested great importance in the power of dreams. Across traditional, indigenous and pre-industrialised cultures – including the Ancient Greeks and Egyptians – they were an integral part of the healing process and a tool for...
Less is More Oct. 6, 2023
If our capitalist economic model of perpetual growth was presented as a myth it would read something like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. As for our economic unit of measure, in a speech in 1968 Robert Kennedy described GDP as ‘measuring everything...
As the lights dim and performers take to the stage, is it mere escapism for us or is there something deeply profound about our need to be entertained? Why do we get so fanatical and idolatrous about musicians and film stars, wanting them to be...
While Series Two edges a little closer to completion here’s a short appetiser serving up some words of wisdom from The Eden Project’s founder, who we’ll meet properly in a future episode.
Comedian and ‘anarchist chef’ George Egg was planned for inclusion in Series One but we just couldn’t work out where to put him. So instead he gets a mini episode all of his own exploring his own concept of snack-hacking, sharing ways of being...
Medicine for the Soul Dec. 5, 2022
While western medicine excels at repairs and crisis management it remains, for many, too mechanical and reductive in its approach to important issues such as mental health, diet and lifestyle. With health practitioner Peter Deadman and Dr...
Come On, Pilgrim Nov. 28, 2022
In 2019 artist Daisy Campbell led 69 seekers on a pilgrimage from the Cerne Giant to CERN in Switzerland and back. Their intention? To ‘immanentise the eschaton.’ David was there to see them off, dressed in a gold robe for a ritual to awaken the...
Ritualised Nov. 21, 2022
We delve into the nature of rituals, why they’re important and how to create our own meaningful ones. With chief druid of Anglesey Kristoffer Hughes we’ll learn about the power of death rituals and the pagan eightfold wheel of the year; we’ll...
It Came from the Ground Nov. 14, 2022
Recorded live at the agro-ecology festival Groundswell, this episode explores different ways that we could be radicalising global agriculture and reversing biodiversity loss through regenerative farming, hemp, mob grazing, the no-till movement and...
What makes people fall for conspiracy theories like QAnon? Is it possible to ‘change’ our minds? Might the idea of reality tunnels be the single most important thing to teach the next generation? Counter-culture philosopher Robert Anton Wilson...
New Myths to Live By Oct. 31, 2022
If myths are the means by which we make sense of ourselves and the world around us, how did we become so fixated on stories and systems built around greed, selfishness and competition? How did we come to perceive nature as an unintelligent...
Trailer Oct. 11, 2022
Adventures in Nutopia is a documentary-style series exploring new stories, movements, myths and ideas to help steer us into a more inclusive, networked and ecological future. In Nutopia all are welcome. We’re just as excited to share the ideas of...