Audible Anarchism

by audibleanarchism · · ·

A podcast broadcasting Anarchist essays and Audiobooks.

The letter is part of the Method of Freedom Errico Malatesta reader and can be found here This is translated from “Cari Compagni dell’Ilota,” Ilota (Pistoia) 1, no. 9 (1 April 1883). The background to this ...
Essay can be read here David Graeber's essay attacking the institution of economics and its use and misuse by governments in the pursuit of maintaining and advancing capitalist development despite the overw...
Essay can be read here Hawzhin Azeez outlines and describes the attempts to replace the police in Rojava and its connections with the other aspects of the ongoing revolutionary process.
The essay can be read here Kim Kelly's short primer on the prison abolition movement.
The Essay can be read here Andrej Grubacic and David Graeber wrote this introductory essay to a new edition of Kropotkin's Mutual Aid. The essay summarises and explains the importance of the work the contex...
The essay can be read here An essay on the relevance of Max Stirner to the Anarcho-communist movement. Recommended Reading The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner. Stirner’s only book and magnum opus. Unfortu...
Article can be read here Short article written for Mother Earth by Max Baginski on how all rights in capitalist society are secondary at best, when compared to the right to property. Including the right to liv...
The text can be read here Essay by Emma Goldman tackling sex and marriage in capitalist society, written in 1896.
The poem can be read here Kuwasi Balagoon was a New Afrikan anarchist and a member of the Black Liberation Army. After serving in the U.S. Army., his experiences of racism within the army led him to tenant or...
The full essay can be read here Usul of the Black Foot responds to an develops the thinking in the Post Civ zine by the group Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness.
The Zine can be read at A short but influential zine introducing the concepts behind post civilisation (Post-Civ) Anarchism by the group Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness.
Essay can be read here verb/ Short piece by the Salish Sea Black Autonomists criticising the limited scope of mainstream civil rights activism.
Essay can be read here the-conspiracy-of-law Conspiracy of Law is Howard Zinn's examination of the role of the legal system in enforcing class distinctions and criminalising alternative politics and...
Essay can be read here the-place-of-anarchism-in-socialistic-evolution Kropotkin's Essay on the place and need for Anarchism within the wider Socialist movement, written in 1884.
Pamphlet written by the UK's Anarchist Federation "Capitalism is Killing the Earthis our attempt to forge a more effective environmental movement. One capable of saving the planet before capitalism finishes destroying it. It builds on our collective...
Text can be read at Elisee Reclus's important commentary on the Anarchist movement.
Article can be read here An article by Anarchasteminist arguing that transgender rights are a working- class issue. [Content warning: In addition to transphobia in the abstract, this piece discu...
Read the full text: https://zabalazabooks.files.wordpress...George Woodcock (1912-1995) was a historian, political biographer, essayist, poet, and anarchist. He wrote biographies of such anarchist thinkers as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, William Godwin, O...
Read the full text: https://zabalazabooks.files.wordpress...George Woodcock (1912-1995) was a historian, political biographer, essayist, poet, and anarchist. He wrote biographies of such anarchist thinkers as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, William Godwin, O...
Read the full text: https://zabalazabooks.files.wordpress...George Woodcock (1912-1995) was a historian, political biographer, essayist, poet, and anarchist. He wrote biographies of such anarchist thinkers as Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, William Godwin, O...