#10 SWMO, Waydroid, XFCE4, MATE, msm-fw-loader, mkinitfs, OctoPrint Oct. 13, 2021

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

Following up on WayDroid since we last talked about it in #8 - still experimental but now properly packaged for edge. So less hacking around to give it a try. Besides that -- as always -- we have a fun time with a whole bunch of other news. For feedback use #postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon. Featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam, @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * SWMO * sxmo-tickets#339: SWMO - Wayland Version of SXMO * interview with proycon in episode #5 * WayDroid * new homepage with fancy domain name * postmarketOS wiki page * [CONFIG_PSI …

Following up on WayDroid since we last talked about it in #8 - still experimental but now properly packaged for edge. So less hacking around to give it a try. Besides that -- as always -- we have a fun time with a whole bunch of other news. For feedback use #postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon.

Featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam, @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance).

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @MartijnBraam, Music by: The Passion HiFi