postmarketOS Podcast

by postmarketOS · · ·

News/interviews/anecdotes around postmarketOS, straight from the source.

#38 FOSDEM 2024 Special Feb. 14, 2024

Compared to last year, we decided to do the recording inside the cafeteria instead of outside , and on Sunday instead of Saturday. Twice the amount of FOSDEM days to talk about, and with more people talking in the background. Enjoy! Featuring @z3ntu, @ollieparanoid, @pabloyoyoista, @craftyguy, @Newbyte, @dos, @PureTryOut, @linmob (in order of appearance), also @~r (sampled in the outro). Not included in the episode: a three day post-FOSDEM hackathon, read all about it on the blog! Video recordings of the talks: * FOSS on Mobile Devices devroom * Open Source for Sustainable and Long lasting Phones (the Fairphone …



Older Episodes

Clayton totally surprises us for real, with his announcement of working full- time on postmarketOS from now on. Furthermore we are super hyped about the upcoming FOSDEM 2024 (as we release this episode, only a week away!) and talk among other topics about how _you_ could become a Trusted Contributor. …
"Why am I running Linux on my desktop, but not on my phone?" is what Konrad asked himself at the beginning of this amazing story that ends up with him becoming a maintainer for Qualcomm support in Linux. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @konradybcio, @craftyguy, @calebccff (in order of appearance). [Konrad accepts donations, …
In a somewhat chaotic and much longer recording session than what ended up in the final episode, we had a very good time talking to our friends from Mobian. As you can guess from the name, Mobian brings Mobile and Debian together, similar to what postmarketOS does on top of …
Luca did it again! On the day the Fairphone 5 was released, he added it to postmarketOS. How exactly that is possible and a whole lot more about recent developments and Linux Mobile related events we followed in this episode. Featuring @calebccff, @ollieparanoid, @z3ntu, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance). Referenced …
This time we did a mix of an interview and an event report with Anjan from [Sxmo]( who just was at [FOSSY 2023]( in Portland, OR, USA. Sxmo is a minimalist environment for Linux mobile devices, allowing you to run a tiling window manager on your smartphone. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @anjan …
Featuring @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam, @calebccff, @jsparber, @tbernard, @verdre, @z3ntu, @jane (in order of appearance). Upcoming events (close dates, there are many more): * July 13-16 — Portland, OR: [FOSSY 2023]( * @anjan from [Sxmo]( will hold a talk: [Thoughts after daily driving postmarketOS for 3 years]( * July 15-21 — Thessaloniki, …
You rotate your phone and the UI rotates as well. Sounds simple, right? In this episode Caleb explains us why implementing it for SDM845 requires far more complexity than one may think - among many other topics. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @PureTryOut, @calebccff, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: …
Natanael Copa joins us to talk about Alpine's story. From being dead scared to fork the initial version off from Gentoo to Alpine becoming bigger than himself and making sure it stays around with a good bus factor. If you ever wondered how exactly apk is so incredibly fast, that …
We are happy to announce that Pablo joined the Trusted Contributors! He has been a driving force in getting GNOME Software working properly on Alpine and postmarketOS, and since he is joining us today, guess what we talk about in this episode! Besides that we get into getting your patches …
#28 FOSDEM 2023 Special Feb. 12, 2023
Between the Saturday closing of FOSDEM 2023 and going to a restaurant, we managed to squeeze around a table outside the cafeteria to record the very first ever in-person postmarketOS podcast episode! Fresh in the moment we share our experiences from the FOSS on mobile devroom, meeting great people at …
Chromebooks! We talked about them in the past, but this time we have our newest Trusted Contributor Anton aka @jenneron on to tell us more about the ~40 ports we now have in postmarketOS. Besides that we get excited about FOSDEM and talk about more cool things cool people did. …
Like every other podcast in your feed we give our two cents on what's been happening in the Fediverse, like why it's really great to see so many free software related projects and people moving over from that bird site. And that one should seriously consider supporting the admins of …
What happens if the author of an upcoming security focused desktop OS, who is at the same time also a postmarketOS user, comes on our podcast? A lot of interesting questions being asked and answered from both sides for sure! Featuring @ollieparanoid, @qyliss, @calebccff, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance). Referenced …
#24 Akademy 2022 Special Oct. 16, 2022
It seems Akademy 2022 had it all. Amazing talks, great people, nice weather, a tour through Barcelona as well as a nearby supercomputer, climbing in a mountain and for some, pizza on the beach. Or as Bart puts it, Akademy was kind of dope to be honest. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @PureTryOut, …
In this episode we talk about the difficulties of automated phone testing. Again. Because Martijn has been continuously working on it. But that's just one of the segments, we cover quite a lot of different topics this time actually. Featuring @calebccff, @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance). Referenced in this …
In this episode we talk about the difficulties of automated phone testing. Have a follow up on the SourceHut consideration and do a deep dive into both Phosh debugging and Bluetooth features. Also there are t-shirts now! Have we mentioned the t-shirts? Featuring @ollieparanoid, @calebccff, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance). …
Even though time is precious when participating in Game Jams, Sebastian does not simply generate sound effects like everybody else - instead he records himself playing them on real instruments. That's what we talked about when we were done with recording this episode anyway. What he does talk about here …
Here's something different. We have been considering to move from to [SourceHut]( and this episode right here is the companion to the [blog post]( we just released. We decided to do both so people can get a TL;DR version on the blog with the most important information and the …
Linux on A7-A8X gets us pretty excited among lots of other topics. What are you reading this for? It's a podcast, hit play already! Featuring @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam, @z3ntu, @PureTryOut (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * postmarketos-release-upgrade * [git repo]( * Wiki: [Upgrade to a newer postmarketOS release]( …