#14 FOSDEM 2022 Special Feb. 8, 2022

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

Shortly after @Danct12 asked about everyone's favorite singer in the extended Q&A part of the Closing session (not recorded), a few of us met ~~outside of FOSDEM~~ in front of our computers again to talk a bit about our experience at FOSDEM 2022. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam, @calebccff (in order of appearance). Some of the videos are already up! Referenced in this episode: * FOSS on Mobile Devices devroom * Plasma Mobile in 2022 * Bringing RAUC A/B Updates to More Linux Devices Editing by: @MartijnBraam, Music by: The Passion HiFi

Shortly after @Danct12 asked about everyone's favorite singer in the extended Q&A part of the Closing session (not recorded), a few of us met ~~outside of FOSDEM~~ in front of our computers again to talk a bit about our experience at FOSDEM 2022. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @MartijnBraam, @calebccff (in order of appearance).

Some of the videos are already up!

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @MartijnBraam, Music by: The Passion HiFi