#22 Automated Phone Testing, SourceHut, Debugging Phosh, Merch Sept. 12, 2022

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

In this episode we talk about the difficulties of automated phone testing. Have a follow up on the SourceHut consideration and do a deep dive into both Phosh debugging and Bluetooth features. Also there are t-shirts now! Have we mentioned the t-shirts? Featuring @ollieparanoid, @calebccff, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * Ardour * Automated Phone Testing pt.1 * Considering SourceHut, Part 2 * pmbootstrap check idea (pmb#2169) * Bluetooth / Pulseaudio / ModemManager * bluetooth: report AG battery level (pulseaudio!631) * Add DTMF support for QMI modems (ModemManager!823) * plugins: android-boot: new plugin (fwupd!4993) * Debugging …

In this episode we talk about the difficulties of automated phone testing. Have a follow up on the SourceHut consideration and do a deep dive into both Phosh debugging and Bluetooth features. Also there are t-shirts now! Have we mentioned the t-shirts?

Featuring @ollieparanoid, @calebccff, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance).

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @MartijnBraam, Music by: The Passion HiFi, @ollieparanoid