#25 INTERVIEW: Alyssa Ross (of Spectrum Fame) Nov. 20, 2022

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

What happens if the author of an upcoming security focused desktop OS, who is at the same time also a postmarketOS user, comes on our podcast? A lot of interesting questions being asked and answered from both sides for sure! Featuring @ollieparanoid, @qyliss, @calebccff, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * Spectrum — a step towards usable secure computing * Using packages from NixOS * Using virtio-fs * Inspired by Qubes OS * Participating in Spectrum * Alyssa accepts donations * pma#1596: concept for privilege separation in postmarketOS * pmOS principles, user facing * pma#1133: enable zram …

What happens if the author of an upcoming security focused desktop OS, who is at the same time also a postmarketOS user, comes on our podcast? A lot of interesting questions being asked and answered from both sides for sure!

Featuring @ollieparanoid, @qyliss, @calebccff, @MartijnBraam (in order of appearance).

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @MartijnBraam, Music by: The Passion HiFi