#31 Testing Team, KDE6, SDM845 Sensors, ALIT, PineNote, L10N May 29, 2023

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

You rotate your phone and the UI rotates as well. Sounds simple, right? In this episode Caleb explains us why implementing it for SDM845 requires far more complexity than one may think - among many other topics. Featuring @ollieparanoid, @PureTryOut, @calebccff, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * Testing * Call For Testers * Testing Team * KDE * kde-srcbuild * Akademy 2023 * SDM845 * Qualcomm Snapdragon Sensor Core support for SDM845 devices (pma!4050) * Wakeups - if you would like to look into this: "joining matrix would be a a good place to start. That …

You rotate your phone and the UI rotates as well. Sounds simple, right? In this episode Caleb explains us why implementing it for SDM845 requires far more complexity than one may think - among many other topics.

Featuring @ollieparanoid, @PureTryOut, @calebccff, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance).

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @ollieparanoid, Music by: The Passion HiFi, @ollieparanoid