#34 Events, Fairphone 5, FF UA, SDM845 CI & Camera, MSM8953, Initramfs Sept. 28, 2023

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

Luca did it again! On the day the Fairphone 5 was released, he added it to postmarketOS. How exactly that is possible and a whole lot more about recent developments and Linux Mobile related events we followed in this episode. Featuring @calebccff, @ollieparanoid, @z3ntu, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance). Referenced in this episode: * Free Silicon Conference 2023 * Luca's talk: Open Source for Sustainable and Long lasting Phones (PeerTube, YouTube) * Akademy 2023 * GUADEC 2023 * Keynote: Global collaborative communities to empower cutting-edge technologies * Pablo's lightning talk: Booting GNOME in 150+ phones * FrOSCon 2023 * devrtz's …

Luca did it again! On the day the Fairphone 5 was released, he added it to postmarketOS. How exactly that is possible and a whole lot more about recent developments and Linux Mobile related events we followed in this episode.

Featuring @calebccff, @ollieparanoid, @z3ntu, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance).

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @ollieparanoid, Music by: The Passion HiFi