#37 Clayton goes full-time, v23.12, smart speakers, musl locales Jan. 28, 2024

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

Clayton totally surprises us for real, with his announcement of working full- time on postmarketOS from now on. Furthermore we are super hyped about the upcoming FOSDEM 2024 (as we release this episode, only a week away!) and talk among other topics about how you could become a Trusted Contributor. Featuring @craftyguy, @ollieparanoid, @calebccff, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance). To support postmarketOS financially, especially now with Clayton working full- time: * Check out the shiny new Open Collective page * Read the announcement: postmarketOS needs your help! Referenced in this episode: * Clayton: "Today I start my new job, …

Clayton totally surprises us for real, with his announcement of working full- time on postmarketOS from now on. Furthermore we are super hyped about the upcoming FOSDEM 2024 (as we release this episode, only a week away!) and talk among other topics about how you could become a Trusted Contributor.

Featuring @craftyguy, @ollieparanoid, @calebccff, @pabloyoyoista (in order of appearance).

To support postmarketOS financially, especially now with Clayton working full- time:

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @ollieparanoid, Music by: The Passion HiFi