#38 FOSDEM 2024 Special Feb. 14, 2024

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

Compared to last year, we decided to do the recording inside the cafeteria instead of outside , and on Sunday instead of Saturday. Twice the amount of FOSDEM days to talk about, and with more people talking in the background. Enjoy! Featuring @z3ntu, @ollieparanoid, @pabloyoyoista, @craftyguy, @Newbyte, @dos, @PureTryOut, @linmob (in order of appearance), also @~r (sampled in the outro). Not included in the episode: a three day post-FOSDEM hackathon, read all about it on the blog! Video recordings of the talks: * FOSS on Mobile Devices devroom * Open Source for Sustainable and Long lasting Phones (the Fairphone …

Compared to last year, we decided to do the recording inside the cafeteria instead of outside , and on Sunday instead of Saturday. Twice the amount of FOSDEM days to talk about, and with more people talking in the background. Enjoy!

Featuring @z3ntu, @ollieparanoid, @pabloyoyoista, @craftyguy, @Newbyte, @dos, @PureTryOut, @linmob (in order of appearance), also @~r (sampled in the outro).

Not included in the episode: a three day post-FOSDEM hackathon, read all about it on the blog!

Video recordings of the talks:

Related episodes:

  • #28 FOSDEM 2023 special
  • #14 FOSDEM 2022 special

Editing by: @ollieparanoid, Music by: The Passion HiFi