#6.2 AsteroidOS, PinePhone Battery/RAM Freq, RetroArch, Firefox June 13, 2021

from postmarketOS Podcast· ·

Part two of what happened in May of 2021 in postmarketOS. We don't follow a story arc, so you can listen to them in any order ;) Featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @dylanvanassche, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam, @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). Send in your questions with #postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon! Referenced in this episode: * apkbrowser * https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org (using aports-turbo) * https://pkgs.postmarketos.org (using apkbrowser) * source of apkbrowser * source of aports-turbo * AsteroidOS * AsteroidOS Homepage * main/postmarketos-ui-glacier: new aport * main/postmarketos-ui-asteroid: new aport * lg-{lenok,dory}: modernize and add AsteroidOS machine config * Mainlining SoCs * LXQt * main/postmarketos-ui-lxqt: new pmaport with video …

Part two of what happened in May of 2021 in postmarketOS. We don't follow a story arc, so you can listen to them in any order ;)

Featuring @craftyguy, @PureTryOut, @dylanvanassche, @z3ntu, @MartijnBraam, @ollieparanoid (in order of appearance). Send in your questions with

postmarketOSpodcast on Mastodon!

Referenced in this episode:

Editing by: @MartijnBraam, Music by: The Passion HiFi