The Green Flame

by Max Wilbert · · ·

The Green Flame is a Deep Green Resistance podcast that brings you revolutionary analysis, practical skills, and artistic expression from the grassroots movement to dismantle global industrial civilization.

Industrial civilization is killing the planet, and it's not good for human beings either. But how can we live without it? We are dependent and addicted. In this episode of The Green Flame, we ask what comes after and speak with two people: Lierre...
Frank Forencich is an internationally-recognized expert on health and human adaptation. As an engaging speaker and movement teacher, he brings a unique perspective to the human predicament and offers practical solutions for some of the most pressing...
This episode of The Green Flame revolves around a group discussion of Naomi Klein's 2007 book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. We discuss the points of the book that are on point, other areas where the book fails, and how in some...
This episode of the Green Flame comes to you from Germany. We interview Heide Goettner-Abendroth, philosopher and researcher on culture and society, focused on matriarchal studies. She has published various books on matriarchal society and culture,...
This episode of The Green Flame podcast focuses on the proposed Batoka Gorge Dam on the Zambezi River on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, just downstream from the world-famous Victoria Falls. The Batoka Gorge Dam would damage some of the most...
For this episode of The Green Flame, we speak with Sergio Alexander Kochergin, a filmmaker, organizer, former U.S. Marine, and native of Ukraine. He did two deployments to Iraq in 2003, 2004, and 2005, and testified before members of Congress in 2008...
Radical Discourse: The Wind That Shakes the Barley This episode of The Green Flame is a group discussion of the 2006 Ken Loach film "The Wind That Shakes the Barley." We recommend watching the film before listening to this episode to better understand...
For this episode of the Green Flame we celebrate the United States launch of the Women's Human Rights Campaign with WHRC U.S. co-contact Thistle Pettersen and U.S. WHRC media moderator Austin DeVille. Our skill-share highlights the efforts of the...
In this episode of The Green Flame, we interview Joshua Wright about a new forest protection blockade established last week on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The blockade protects ancient old-growth forest stands, including the 9th...
In this episode we discuss the film Planet of The Humans, directed by Jeff Gibbs and produced by Ozie Zehner and Michael Moore. The film shows how the environmental movement -- as defined by large environmental organizations, what we call big green...
In this episode we speak with Dahr Jamail. In late 2003, weary of the overall failure of the US media to accurately report on the realities of the war in Iraq for the Iraqi people, Dahr Jamail went to the Middle East to report on the war himself,...
This episode of The Green Flame features an interview with James Darling who is currently on the 3rd day of a hunger strike against logging of old-growth forests in British Columbia, Canada (occupied First Nations territory). You can contact James at:...
This podcast features two interviews. First, we speak with Joshua Wright about current logging of old-growth forest in the Mattole River Watershed, as well as on Vancouver Island and in Alaska. Second, we speak with Will Falk. Will is currently...
Julia Beck July 15, 2020
This interview with radical lesbian feminist, activist, and writer Julia Beck includes her insights on being politically homeless, girl gangs, the resilience of women (particularly women who have de transitioned), and our need for mutual respect and...
This episode features Max Wilbert reading his article from 2019 entitled "Anti-Racist Strategy for a World in Crisis." The piece was originally published on Counterpunch. You can read it here: ...
In this episode, we speak with Ely Lunani of the Kakamega Forest Community Conservation Network in Kenya. The Network is a grassroots effort emerging from local youth in the Buyangu Area to protect and restore the Kakamega Forest through environmental...
This excerpt comes from Episode 21 with Vince Emanuele. This full interview between Max Wilbert and Vince Emanuele covers mutual aid, organizing strategies, revolution vs. reform, coronavirus, survival, the Iraq war, the crumbling of the United...
This is an excerpt from episode 23, our conversation with our comrade Shahidah Janjua. We conversed about women, writing, activism and the creation of a Women's Centre in Kerry. On behalf of the Women of DGR: We lost you Shahidah in March, and we are...
Deep Green Resistance is a radical feminist organization, because all oppression is connected. The freedom of women as a class cannot be separated from the resistance to the dominant culture as a whole. Racism is connected to patriarchy is connected...
We speak with Jeff Gibbs, director of the new film "Planet of the Humans" (produced by Michael Moore) about why green energy won't save the world, the need to focus on consumption, and how the environmental movement has gotten off track. Since this...