The Final Straw Radio

by The Final Straw Radio · · ·

The Final Straw Radio is a weekly, anarchist show eminating from occupied Cherokee lands in so-called North Carolina and featuring the voices of folks engaged in struggles for liberation and the creation of rad culture since 2009. We're also syndicated on a few community radio stations around the U.S. We frequently also feature radio commentaries from anarchist prisoner Sean Swain and are a proud member of CZN (The Channel Zero Network) and ARN (The A-Radio Network). Check out our past archives and ways to connect with us at

This week on the show, we’re sharing two local conversations with community organizers providing mutual aid in Asheville, NC. 2022 NYE Noise Demo & Bailout First up, we’re sharing a short interview with Beck of Pansy Collective, a queer...
I’m sure that many people coming out of this holiday season, returning from visiting relatives will wonder: “couldn’t we abolish the capitalist family structure?” We’ve got great news! We’re happy to present this conversation between Scott...
This week on the show, we featured 2 segments: a chat with Michael Kimble & Gerald Griffin about conditions in Donaldson CF prison in Alabama; and Jim J. Ayers, a 42 year resident in 6 generations of lineage at Winnemucca Indian Colony facing...
For this week’s main podcast, we spoke with an activist of the about the recent police raids and arrests in the Welaunee Forest, aka Atlanta Forest, which have brought charges of domestic terrorism on 5 people for allegedly building treehouses and...
On Tuesday, December 13th, I spoke with Kyle Missouri, a resident of the Winnemucca Indian Colony in Humboldt County, Nevada where a longstanding conflict between residents and the Winnemucca Tribal Council has come to a head recently with the...
This week, you'll hear four segments to the show. To hear the latest Sean Swain segment, you can find it at .. Rashid segment PDF (Unimposed) & Zine will be included with other recent prisoner updates - pending Bad News Transcript PDF...
We just passed the 100th anniversary of the murder by incarceration and hounding of Mexican Revolutionary anarchist communist Ricardo Flores Magón on 21st of November. For this hour or so, I spoke with Mitchell Cowen Verter, co- author of the 2005 AK...
This week, Scott spoke with Rebecca Gross and Robin, Teaching Assistants at University of California Santa Cruz and members of UAW 2865 at the uni, to get informed about the ongoing strike in the UC system for, among other things, a cost of living...
This is a conversation with Matthew Lyons, antifascist researcher, contributor to and author of, among other books, and contributor to the recent AK Press compilation, (edited by Shane Burley). For the hour, Matthew talks about Christian...
This week on The Final Straw we have 4 whopping segments, tidbits in length but whopping in importance. Transcripts First up, you’ll hear from Zachariah Jazz ( on twitter), who distributes alcohol jet heaters with ABQHeaterBloc in...
Stop Camp Grayling! Nov. 8, 2022
This week on The Final Straw, we’re sharing a chat that Scott had with Smirk, Wink and Nudge of the Stop Camp Grayling Offensive, an anarchist effort to oppose the doubling expansion of the largest military base on Turtle Island, based in so-called...
This week on the show, you’ll hear from Diyawn Caldwell, founder of “Both Sides Of The Wall” which has been supporting striking people behind bars across the Alabama Dept of Corrections where incarcerated workers refused their unpaid work over 3...
I’m happy to share this interview with anarchist author and historian, about the split in the historic left that led to the birth of the anarchist movement. Robert published the book with AK Press in 2015 and, as I say in the interview, I was...
This week, we’re airing a conversation with Too Black, communications representative for the defense committee to Free the Pendleton 2. Too Black also hosts the . For the hour, Too Black talks about the case of the Pendleton 2, two Black men...
This week on The Final Straw, we feature two portions. First up, you’ll hear from and of about the upcoming happening on October 15th at the Auburn Avenue Research Library on African-American Culture and History. Then, you’ll hear a recent...
Islam and Anarchism with Mohamed Abdou This week, Scott spoke with , a North African-Egyptian Muslim anarchist activist-scholar who is currently a Visiting Scholar at Cornell University and an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the American...
Anti-Coal Struggles in Lutzerath, Germany First up, we share an interview with Fauv, a radical who recently participated in the anti-coal occupation in the village of Lützerath / Lutzerath (aka the ZAD of Rhineland) in western Germany against the...
This week we’re re-airing our 2020 conversation with Wayne Price, longtime anarchist, author and then-member of and the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council, or , in New York City. PDF (Unimposed) - pending Zine (Imposed PDF) - pending ...
This week on the show, we re-air Amar’s 2015 interview with Hilary Klein, author/editor of the book , out from Seven Stories Press. Over the hour, Hilary talks about her 7 years of living in Chiapas and recording the stories and experiences of...
This week on the show, we feature a chat with Aaron Parker of & Tim Holland (aka ), who together form the podcast. You can find the podcast on the , , and a bunch of streaming services. We hope you enjoy this chat as much as Bursts did. We …