The Final Straw Radio

by The Final Straw Radio · · ·

The Final Straw Radio is a weekly, anarchist show eminating from occupied Cherokee lands in so-called North Carolina and featuring the voices of folks engaged in struggles for liberation and the creation of rad culture since 2009. We're also syndicated on a few community radio stations around the U.S. We frequently also feature radio commentaries from anarchist prisoner Sean Swain and are a proud member of CZN (The Channel Zero Network) and ARN (The A-Radio Network). Check out our past archives and ways to connect with us at

This week on TFSR, you’ll hear Watani Tyehimba of the and a supporter and comrade of New Afrikan political prisoner speaking about Dr. Shakur’s life, activism and the struggle for his release since he’s been diagnosed with serious bone cancer....
This week, our guests are Sam and Alex (not their real names). Sam was until recently the co-host of the podcast and is the co-author with Alex of their two books, and . Sam is now focusing on writing at and the , and you can support Alex’s...
This week on TFSR, Professor Raymond Craib talks about his book, “ ” out recently from PM Press. We talk about capitalist fundamentalists attempting to create free market utopias, right wing so-called Libertarians, Ayn Rand, neoliberalism and the...
This week, we spoke with Alex, an anarchist squatter in the Athenian neighborhood of Exarchia. They talk about repression by the New Democracy party, struggles against green washing wind turbines around rural Greece, the fires raging through the...
This week we are presenting Scott’s interview with Hil Malatino, who is a current professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Philosophy at Penn State University. They are also the author of three books, Trans Care, Queer Embodiment:...
[00:09:34 - 01:43:24] This week we’re sharing an interview that we conducted with anarchists and abolitionists mostly in and around Manila, the capital of the Philippines. You'll hear from K, Honey, Adrienne, Castle, Magsalin and R. During the chat...
This week, we’re airing 2 interviews to do with the Russian war in Ukraine. Plus, Kevin Rashid Johnson talks about being denied medical care for his prostate cancer in the Virginia prison system. Transcript Español: Deutsche: Deutsche: ...
This week, Scott and William talk to , author of and the soon-to-be-released (out in October, 2022) about the current political moment that is characterized by attacks on trans people and peoples reproductive abilities. They also talk through what...
Stop Cop City +David Campbell on Antifascist Prisoners This week’s episode features two interviews. Stop Cop City David Campbell on Antifascist Prisoners Stop Cop City / Defend the Atlanta Forest First up, the struggle to and has...
This week, we're re-airing a 2019 conversation with , author of the essay , which became the seed of her book "" We talk about harm, entitlement as relates to positions of power like masculinity or whiteness in our cultures, the need for...
Rojava Again Under Threat of Turkish Invasion [00:10:35 - 01:45:30] Emre, Rimac, Xero and Anya, members of the Emergency Committee for Rojava join us on the show this week to talk about the escalation of violence and threats of invasion by Turkey into...
This week on the show, we’re airing two portions. Transcript PDF (Unimposed) – pending ZIne (Imposed PDF) – pending Support Jessica Reznicek [00:02:06 - 00:36:33] First up, Charlotte speaks about their friend, political prisoner and water...
This week on the show, we’re featuring a few segments. First up, Chazz speaks about the website which shares the names and cases of people criminalized in relation to the George Floyd Uprising of 2020 across the so-called USA, as well as the...
First up, we’re sharing a blast from the past blast from the past, an interview that we conducted in 2013 via our comrades from with a participant in the autonomous anti-capitalist street movement in Germany in the latter half of the 20th century...
is perhaps most famous for his lead vocals and listing of libations in the pop hit, Tubthumping. But there is so much more to him and that band than that one song. For the hour we touch on some of the band’s 30 year history, their relation as a...
For this special mid week podcast release, we are presenting a conversation with three defendants who are in an ongoing legal battle with the city of Asheville. This group of 15 people, three of whom are speaking today, are facing felony littering...
This week, we spoke with Liaizon Wakest. Liaizon grew up in an anarchist commune in rural America. They can be found climbing into dumpsters from Mexico to Kazakhstan looking for trash to make art with. In recent years they have been focused on...
This week we are pleased to present an interview that Bursts did with two members of IWOC (the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee), Caroline works with Millions for Prisoners New Mexico ( and on the Fedbook), and Xeno is with IWOC Sacramento...
We’re joined this week by some of the folks behind the , a self-published annual collection of art, comics, facts, articles and incitements to challenge us to thicken our relationship to the land and grow autonomy against state, colonialism and...
This week on The Final Straw, we’re featuring a recent conversation with anarchist author and activist, Peter Gelderloos about his latest book, “”, published by Pluto Press in 2022. For the hour we speak about critiques of science and Western...