Emergence Magazine Podcast

by Emergence Magazine · · ·

Emergence Magazine is an award-winning magazine exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality. Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.

Recorded live at our Shifting Landscapes exhibition in London last December, this conversation between Emergence Magazine executive editor Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, renowned mycologist and author Merlin Sheldrake, and Marshmallow Laser Feast creative director Barney Steel—who was behind the exhibition’s large-scale installation Breathing with the Forest—explores the mycelial webs that infiltrate and sustain our landscapes. Embracing the mystery and wonder of fungi as a means of deconstructing our Western philosophies around the self, the nature of intelligence, and the possibilities within community, each spoke to how the relational phenomenon of fungi could soften the imagined boundaries between our bodies and the great …



Older Episodes

Aboard the first shipbound expedition to the Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica, writer Elizabeth Rush puts her ear to this massive body of ice. But can something so large, so vast, so ancient, ever really be witnessed up close?
In this discussion recorded at our Shifting Landscapes exhibition in December, scholar-activist Joycelyn Longdon, filmmaker Kalyanee Mam, and folk singer Sam Lee consider how we might rekindle reciprocity with the changing Earth.
Joanna Macy discusses her personal journey into the worlds of activism, Buddhism, and deep ecology.
Given at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London in November 2023, this talk by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee speaks to the possibility of profound inner transformation amid the great changes that are engulfing the Earth.
Speaking to us from Liaoning, China, journalist Paul Salopek shares how his personal relationship to time has deepened while moving through the world at three miles per hour.
Mythologist Martin Shaw summons the ancient story of Valemon the Bear, showing us how stories can help us access a deep, primordial part of ourselves from which we can re-establish a dialogue with the more-than-human Earth.
Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy recite a selection of poems from Rilke’s The Book of Hours, reminding us of the ever-urgent call to love the world into being.
In an encounter between a man and an elephant, poet Camille T. Dungy bears witness to a moment in which past harm gives way to an expansive recognition of love.
Twenty thousand years into the future, an exploration of the Earth uncovers the final notes and unfinished stories left behind by the last sentient human beings in the twilight of their history.
In this interview, writer, artist, and technologist James Bridle questions our fundamental assumptions about intelligence and explores how radical technological models can become portals into deeper relationship with the living world.
Following a nine-thousand-year journey, Robin Wall Kimmerer reflects on the ancient technology embedded in our relationship with corn.
Welcoming a newborn son into a troubled and uncertain world, Kerri ní Dochartaigh feels her way through an emerging realization of her mammalhood.
Jamie Figueroa brings her pen to the blank pages of her family’s history, navigating generational trauma and lost ancestral stories in order to reveal and reclaim her cultural and familial inheritance.
Stranded with a group of survivors in an endless line of boats waiting to cross a border, one woman is tasked with holding prayers for the community’s salvation.
Anna Badkhen traces markers left in the Earth from the near and distant past, unspooling the narratives that thread through the imprints we leave on the planet, and what they foretell for the future.
Around the world, scores of species of trees are moving north, or west, or upslope. What is at stake as the forests change around us? Experience four stories of tree migration.
In the face of present-day environmental catastrophe and social injustice, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Julian Yates examine the opposing narratives of survival in the story of Noah’s Ark.
In this short story by Masatsugu Ono and translated by Sam Malissa, a woman and her young son move to an abandoned village along Japan's eastern coast, where a typhoon begins to gather around them.
With the help of a historian, ornithologist, and birds themselves, Natalie Rose Richardson begins to embody a new quality of attention as she follows a migration path from Chicago to South Carolina.