Emergence Magazine Podcast

by Emergence Magazine · · ·

Emergence Magazine is an award-winning magazine exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality. Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.

Stephanie Krzywonos interrogates heroic narratives of Antarctica that gender the land through feminine tropes. As she comes to know this expansive landscape, she invites us to consider the continent on its own terms.
Tristan McConnell journeys across Turkana in Kenya’s Rift Valley, a place whose long story is still being written by a shape-shifting landscape and changing patterns of human and nonhuman migration.
Offering a frame for how we might navigate our current moment of transition and transformation, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee urges us to recognize the liminal—the space between worlds—as an invitation to step into new ways of being.
On a visit to a nature preserve in Nebraska’s Sandhills, Chelsea Steinauer- Scudder traces the transformation of the Great Plains to the widespread belief in “manifest destiny” and weighs the power of words to shape landscapes.
Listening closely for what her nonhuman neighbors are communicating, Melanie Challenger considers what it would take to expand the democratic imagination to include and represent animal voices in the decisions that affect them.
Geologist-writer Lauret E. Savoy unearths the physical and social forces that have shaped America’s Chesapeake region, surfacing ancient tectonic movements alongside the deliberate construction of race in colonial America.
In this short story, Lydia Millet explores the loss of extinction as a man seeks the company and friendship of the last Tasmanian tiger, housed in a failing zoo.
This sonic journey written and narrated by David G. Haskell brings us to the beginning of sound and song on planet Earth.
Summoning the experiences that have shaped his relationship with food and nourishment, Diné poet Jake Skeets puts forth story as a pathway to food sovereignty.
In this poem, J. Drew Lanham celebrates radical acts of joy by lifting up liberation, reparations, justice, and deep connection to ancestors and the living world.
Cultural ecologist David Abram reflects on the deep intelligence that guides migrating animals across the wider body of the Earth, presented with “Wandering Within,” a new series of drawings by Katie Holten.
In southern Louisiana, an actuary-turned-field-biologist begins to notice strange occurrences in the uncanny landscape of Nieux Swamp, a man-made climate mitigation project funded by a multibillion-dollar corporation.
Navigating Black lineages of thinking and practice, Makshya Tolbert wades into the liminal space that exists between water and Black memory.
In this essay from Boyce Upholt, a coalition of Indigenous voices speak on behalf of the rooted beings of the desert as legal protections for the saguaro cactus come up against the push to build a border wall.
During monsoon season, Arati Kumar-Rao returns to visit the ancient, deified Ganga—and the communities who live along her shifting banks. There she witnesses both the life-giving benevolence and devastating waywardness of the river.
Marveling at worms, fungi, and ancient water bears, Jay Griffiths brings our attention to what dwells beneath our feet.
As the world falters, threatening native ecosystems and Indigenous lifeways, Australian Aboriginal author Alexis Wright turns inward to the dwelling place of ancestral story.
In this sweeping interview, Jenny Odell, artist and author of “Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock,” invites us to embrace ways of relating to time that are tuned to the rhythms and patterns of the Earth.
Singer Sam Lee speaks about the transformative experience of creating songs in collaboration with nightingales and the space for communion that is opened with silence.
High on Sonoma Mountain, the Crow Sisters tell of a young woman drawn to the lost village of Kobe·cha who becomes part of the enduring story of the land.