Emergence Magazine Podcast

by Emergence Magazine · · ·

Emergence Magazine is an award-winning magazine exploring the threads connecting ecology, culture and spirituality. Our podcast features exclusive interviews, author-narrated essays, fiction, multipart series, and more. We feature new podcast episodes weekly on Tuesdays.

Bathsheba Demuth observes the rise and ruin of the Soviet ideology that sought to impose its utopian vision on the Native Chukchi people, their herds of reindeer, and the natural cycles of the Russian tundra.
For thousands of years, Indigenous societies were building hundred-foot pyramids along the Mississippi River. Beholding the levee system that now curbs its torrent, Boyce Upholt wonders: what do our monuments say about who we are?
Mythologist Martin Shaw summons the ancient story of Valemon the Bear, showing us how stories can help us access a deep, primordial part of ourselves from which we can re-establish a dialogue with the more-than-human Earth.
Feeling for the edge of change, Lacy M. Johnson walks through a wetland nature center near Houston that has reclaimed the land where a neighborhood, sunken by oil extraction and subsumed by floodwater, once stood.
In the age of the Anthropocene and entrenched politics of whiteness, Bayo Akomolafe brings us face-to-face with our own unresolved ancestry.
On the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Anna Badkhen gathers firsthand accounts from poets, journalists, and environmentalists of the destruction being wrought on the natural environment.
In the woods near her home, Lucy Jones discovers the magic of slime molds and becomes entangled in their fluid, nonbinary way of being.
In this immersive listening journey, acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton guides us into the Hoh Rain Forest, one of the quietest places in North America.
In this conversation, poet, translator, and author David Hinton calls for a radical reweaving of mind and land, drawing on Tao and Ch’an Buddhist philosophy to help us navigate the sixth extinction with an ethics tempered by love.
In this extensive interview, Richard Powers discusses the kind of storytelling in which humans are not separate from the living world around them and how this inspired his Pulitzer Prize–winning novel, "The Overstory."
In this interview 17 year-old Dara McAnulty—author and naturalist—speaks about his identity as an autistic person, his award-winning book, and the necessity of staying rooted in joy.
Confronted with narratives of catastrophe and colonialism that restrict her spirit, Afro-Taína author Jamie Figueroa summons the imagination, sovereignty, and courage needed to restory herself and rebirth the world.
To honor Thich Nhat Hanh's passing, we are re-sharing his “Ten Love Letters to the Earth,” a series of meditations that engage us in intimate conversation with our Earth.
In this talk, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee reminds us of the ancient, primordial covenant of relationship with the living world that can give us a ground to stand on, and the sacred nature of creation that is waiting for us to return to it.
In this short story by Nigerian poet and novelist Ben Okri, a man and a woman who come to inhabit a world abandoned by humans grapple with what is at stake in beginning a new civilization.
In this interview, writer, artist, and technologist James Bridle questions our fundamental assumptions about intelligence and explores how radical technological models can become portals into deeper relationship with the living world.
As the world falters, threatening native ecosystems and Indigenous lifeways, Australian Aboriginal author Alexis Wright turns inward to the dwelling place of ancestral story.
As Robin Wall Kimmerer harvests serviceberries alongside the birds, she considers the ethic of reciprocity that lies at the heart of the gift economy.
As her daughter learns to speak, Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder meditates on how to listen for a language of mothering that is in service to all of life’s beings.
In this in-depth interview, Suzanne Simard, the renowned scientist who discovered the “wood-wide web,” speaks about Mother Trees and how to heal our separation from the living world.